Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Time to Recuperate

We had a minor emergency with Zeke, and he ended up spending a day at the vet's and undergoing anesthesia. He is recuperating now, but still doesn't have much energy. Yesterday he finally started eating and drinking a little bit. I was getting worried, because he is so little to start with, and now he is really thin. But he has turned the corner, and he's getting a little bit better each day.


Cedar Ridge Studio said...

I will keep Zeke in my thoughts and prayers this week

Cynthia Schelzig said...

ahhhh poor Zeke........get well soon cutie!

Robbie said...

It's always such a worry with our little friends...and being this small really is a concern. Here's hoping Zeke will be better soon!!

Carol Blackburn said...

The poor little dear.....I'll be keeping good thoughts for his recovery.

Martha Ginn said...

Poor baby, such sad little eyes. I know you are taking good care of him.

Deb said...

I'm sorry to hear that Zeke had a problem, but am happy to know that he's improving. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. We needed more seating in our TV room, so we bought a sofa so our darling Labrador daughter, Molly, could sit on it with both of us . . . now that's getting ridiculous! Happy holidays.