Thursday, April 16, 2009

In Search of the Perfect Edge

detail of edge

For some time I have struggled with how to finish the edges of my cloth pieces. The traditional quilt binding seems too clunky for my smaller art pieces; a facing seems too invisible; zig-zag stitching seems too messy. Quite the dilemma.

Yesterday I finished the stitching on a new piece, and once again the edge dilemma reared its ugly head. This time I was determined to figure out something new or atleast attempt something new. I found a variable-width yarn in my stash, and the colors were wonderful with the artwork. So I thought I would stitch around the edges of the piece, catching the yarn as I went. The only problem was that I was afraid that the white batting was going to show through the yarn in places. So I got a wild idea --- my wild ideas are usually brilliant or very stupid. This idea involved using a paint brush and acrylic paint to paint the batting that showed around the edges of the piece. Once the paint dried, I added two rounds of the yarn, and I must say that I think this edge treatment is perfect for this piece!

2 comments: said...

I like it, too, Karen. It's perfect! Rosemary

Seth said...

Very creative. I love how it turned out.