Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Pastel of Austin

When we first started fostering Austin, I started this pastel sketch of him. Now I'm disappointed that I didn't get it finished before he got adopted. Somehow I only managed to get the first two colors applied. It is a sad testimony to my recent lack of studio time.

Today I have started a To Do list, in an effort to get my life under control again. I have started blocking out studio time on a regular basis, like I used to do, and I am going to limit the distractions once again. The laptop and cell phone usage have gotten out-of-control. It is time for a change!


Carol Blackburn said...

Hey Karen, it looks like one of those very old sepia photographs. Nicely done!

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

It is on Mi-Teintes pastel paper, which comes in a ton of muted colors. I love using this brown and also a grey that they carry, just because of the way the white pastel "pops" on it.

At some point, I hope I finish this portrait of Austin, but I can see my enthusiasm is already waning now that he isn't here anymore. Much easier to capture his personality when I was looking at him every day!

Robbie said...

Geezz Looks finished to me! How adorable!! But then, so was Austin...how could this not be adorable! We have to reset our priorities from time to time, don't we!