Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ups and Downs in the Studio

Recently I attended an art retreat in a cabin on acres of wooded property alongside a river. It was phenomenal to walk through the woods and along the banks of the river, and I journaled about my experiences at the end of each day. As I reread those journal entries, I decided to use that inspiration to create a series of collages for the ONE fundraiser. My inspiration was so overwhelming that the collages practically made themselves, and within a week they were in the book press drying.

The problems started when I didn't leave them in the book press. I was anxious to add more layers of paint to them, and to make a long story short, they ended up warping as they dried.

So I gave up on those collages and started a new series. This time I concentrated on the river's edge as my inspiration, and I loved the almost watercolor effect that I achieved with these collages. Tonight I photographed them and uploaded them to my computer. At that point, I realized that all the subtle color shifts do not show online, and their true beauty is lost.

So I went back to my original series and peeled off the top layer of each collage. My thought was that I might have a chance of pressing them flat again if I eliminated some of the bulk. As I type this, I have both sets of collages in the book press --- where they will remain until they are totally, 100% dry!

1 comment:

Carol Blackburn said...

Ohhh, sorry to hear you had difficulties with your collages, they are so interesting. I wreck good watercolors by being impatient and trying to add color before it's time. Can't wait (there I go again) to see what you've accomplished.