Friday, October 17, 2008

Colors in the Woods

Woodland Palette #1
6"h x 5"w
mounted on 10" x 8" Bristol Board

Woodland Palette #2
6"h x 5"w
mounted on 10" x 8" Bristol Board

I am totally enamored with the colors of the maple leaves this year. The vein lines in lime and yellow contrast beautifully against the bright crimson of the leaf. I have never seen coloring like this, and it is fascinating to me. Above are two more collages that incorporate actual maple leaves that I have found on my walks.


Julie Bagamary said...

Wow! These are gorgeous! I've been enjoying the red maple trees here as well!

Angelika Westermann said...

These are beautiful! I you incorporate real leaves - won't they disintegrate some time? Or did you treat them (and how?) to avoid this?

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

I sealed the collages in an attempt to preserve the leaves. If it doesn't work, it's okay --- these collages were still fun to make.

Anonymous said...

Karen.. I love the sugar maples as well.. last year my 2 large trees litterally seemed like they glowed red.. this year they are very dull in color.. The pieces look fantastic.

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

Thanks, everyone!
Usually the autumn colors here are unremarkable, but this year the maples are ablaze! I have a few more leaves in the press for collages, then I plan to move on to winter collages --- barren trees and empty nests.