Friday, May 30, 2008

Design Challenge

Group of 4 notecards

One of the notecards, color is better in this photo

I recently took a design workshop, and the results from some of the exercises were intriguing. We were only doing sketches for the exercises, but yesterday I decided to work with cloth and paper and give myself a design challenge. The top photo is 4 notecards, and I've used scrim as the base/background for each card. Then I chose 4 different elements in cloth and paper and cut/tore each one into 4 approximately equal pieces. The challenge was to use each of the 4 different elements in each design, yet create 4 different designs. These are the designs I created. Which is your favorite and why?

7 comments: said...

Hi Karen, what a fun question! I slightly prefer the one you enlarged. The difference in colors is important. The softening of the orange helped, and the less brilliant yellow was good, too. I like the linear aspects of this piece. The warp and weft of the scrim set the stage for all the lines, then the stripes in the long horizontal piece give both the horizontal shape, but the vertical lines. The slightly off kilter square, with the gold stripe works well with all the lines. The gold and white vertical piece brings in some curves, making this very pleasing. Nice work with little bits of stuff. Rosemary

Lisa Flowers Ross said...

I like the one you enlarged, too. By putting the green inside the yellow square, you create a strong focal point with the other pieces supporting it with echoing colors. All the others have overlapping but this is the only one where something is contained within something else.

Seth said...

Great question. While I do like the square inside the square of the one you enlarged...I also find the composition of the notecard in the upper left to be my favorite. The placement of the pieces really gudies your eyes to travel across the whole image in a very pleasing way.

Doreen K. said...

Ilike the one in the upper left corner till I saw the enlarged on. The colors are gorgeous.

Nancy said...

I like the design of the top left piece. To me, it's similar to a portal, welcoming one in for a closer look.

Karoda said...

the two on the right side are my faves. after the design layout it is the colours on the orange/white strip and the organic shapes they have.

Anonymous said...

I liked the one at the upper right best. To me it has a more satisfying visual logic than the others, because of the relationship between the two dark blue pieces, and the lighter pieces supporting the darks.